Equipment Maintenance Seminar
(November 21-22, 2024) Held
With the shortage of workers, aging staff, and growing opportunities for resource recycling, recycling plants are being required to introduce automated equipment as well as advanced sorting equipment, thereby increasing the importance of “equipment maintenance.”
In response to this situation, the Equipment Maintenance Seminar was held for the first time, with the participation of members in charge of facilities and equipment.
The two-day seminar included lectures entitled “Encouragement to Promote Equipment Maintenance” and “Examples of Efforts for Equipment Maintenance Management,” given by Mr. Watanabe of Panasonic*1 and Mr. Seki of PETECK*2 respectively, a plant tour to see examples of improved equipment, and a group discussion/presentation.
We believe that the participants gained awareness and new findings through the seminar, and deepened their understandings through the group discussion on how they will take future action in their own companies.
As the host of the seminar, we highlighted our request to the participants: Please implement efforts for preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance and promote the importance of equipment maintenance.
Last but not least, we would like to extend our utmost gratitude to PETECK for their cooperation in coordinating the meeting and the plant tour, as well as to the speakers of the lectures.
*1 Panasonic Corporation, Living Appliances and Solutions Company, Business Process Innovation Division, Manufacturing Innovation Center
*2 Panasonic Eco Technology Kanto Co., Ltd., Equipment Technology Department

Plant tour

Onsite visit to see effort examples

Group discussion